To Update Your Private RA Information with ARC and/or Your Public RA Listing

Any name changes can only be made by contacting ARC by email at gro.licnuocyparehtamoraobfsctd@ofni with proper ID or legal documentation. Log into your personal ARC Account to update any other changes to your RA information.

*PLEASE NOTE – If you are an RA that signed up to take the ARC exam prior to September 1, 2024 that has not yet signed into your online ARC account, DO NOT CREATE A NEW ONE. Every RA who had an email address unique to them in our system already has an account. Use the email ARC has on file for you as the Username and click on “Forgot your password?” to set up your new password to access your ARC RA Profile. If you have been sharing a primary email address with other RAs, create your own unique email account and email us at gro.licnuocyparehtamoraobfsctd@ofni with your name, old email address, and new email address so we can finish setting up your online account.

Once you are logged into your account:

  • First, update the information in the Private Info tab and click or tap on the “UPDATE” button.
  • Next, update the information in the Curriculum Vitae tab and click or tap on the “SAVE” button.
  • Finally, update and add to the information in the Public Info tab.

*IMPORTANT* You must update and save your Private Info before filling out and saving the Public Info in your account in order for the system to be able to create your public profile page and add you to the RA Directory. Unless both of these are updated in your account, you will not be added to the public directory.


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