UPDATE: January 28, 2015
The Aromatherapy Registration Council has released an official Statement of Policy Against Raindrop Therapy. Click here to read it.

Important Note: All RA’s must agree to abide by the Disciplinary Policy in its entirety. Note the ARC Board defines unsafe practice to include but not limited to practicing or teaching unsafe essential oil administration, such as used in “raindrop therapy” or “raindrop technique” or “aroma touch” and any other therapies similar to “raindrop therapy” “raindrop technique” or “aroma touch”, involving the use of neat essential oils on the skin.

Please click here for Disciplinary Information.

At the Board Meeting on October 23, 2003, the motion for the ARC to adopt NAHA’s published stand on Raindrop Therapy (also known as RDT) was passed. NAHA’s policy is available at the NAHA website, or can be read below:

NAHA Policy Statement: Raindrop therapy

One of the fastest growing new areas for aromatherapy is the Spa industry. Here essential oils and hydrosols are used primarily for esthetic, detoxification, massage and relaxation treatments. As interest in the use of aromatics increases in this field the need for in-depth training in Aromatherapy for Spa practitioners also becomes imperative. Clients seeking treatments should consider the scope of practice to be expected from a Spa and / or Spa treatments and should carefully decide at what point health concerns require expertise available only from a professional Aromatherapist or other qualified health practitioner. In particular there is concern regarding cure-based treatments such as Raindrop therapy.

Cure based treatments are those that claim to cure diagnosed medical conditions including structural, spinal or skeletal problems i.e.: scoliosis, as is the case with Raindrop Therapy. Any practitioner claiming to cure a diagnosed medical condition or making diagnosis without referring the client to a medical or qualified health practitioner may be practicing medicine without a license. Raindrop therapy is no longer allowed in the country of Norway, as the claims to cure scoliosis etc. are unsubstantiated.

Due to the wide variation in skin sensitivity, essential oil quality, and reaction to topical absorption, it is virtually impossible to gauge exactly how an individual may respond to undiluted application of some of the oils specifically used in Raindrop therapy. Certain of these essential oils can cause dermal reactions ranging from mild to severe and for this reason professional Aromatherapists most often prepare custom blends for their clients to accommodate individual needs. Adequate education in the chemistry, therapeutic attributes, contra-indications and appropriate use of essential oils and other aromatics is absolutely necessary both to maximize the potential health benefits and to prevent any inappropriate effects or actions. Make sure your practitioner is properly educated.


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